
What We Offer


We offer a full-service brokerage/dealership and execution desk across multiple asset classes driven by the relationship we have with our clients since 2019. Our trading desk strives to optimize efficiency of execution while providing a bespoke service to our clients. Our independency allows us to deliver tailor-made advisory solutions for our clients as well as precise market color, knowledge, and intelligence. We trade stocks, bonds, and other securities in Mozambique.

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Our Services

Our Account Options

You can choose the level of service you require from your ACD representative, depending on how involved you need us to be in each buy and sell decision. You can choose one of three ways to invest with us:

Discretionary Account

You give us the discretion to manage your portfolio using an agreed house strategy.

Advisory Account

We provide you with advice and ideas and only execute the decisions we agree on together.

Execution Only

We act on your requests as opposed to offering advice

Each approach provides a different level of relationship, advice, service, and cost. But no matter what level of involvement you choose, you’ll have full access to our highly skilled and experienced investment research team who’ll provide quantitative, economic, fundamental, and technical research on a variety of investment counters. 

Our clients are domestically mobile, and they live in a complex world. Therefore, ACD specializes in creating a single point of contact, through which we integrate a truly local product offering.

Our focus is on the relationship with our customer base.

What We Do


ACD offers avant-garde in-depth coverage of the Mozambique securities market. We produce regular market wraps covering both the equity and debt instruments, offer regular coverage of select stocks – with a particular focus on Financial & Infrastructure sectors – as well as macroeconomic deep dives and event-driven recommendations.



// Local asset managers
// Foreign fund managers
// Banks & insurance companies
// Corporates
// Owned state entities


// High net worth
// Retail clients
// Diaspora
// Registered groups

Depository & Custody Services

As affiliated at Depository & Custody Services Scheme (CVM), ACD offers a wide breadth of services to its clients, the cornerstone of its custody servicing activities are:

  • Safekeeping and record-keeping services.
  • Securities asset servicing.
  • Transaction processing and settlement.
  • Account opening services.
  • Securities immobilization and pledges.

Convenient way to manage investment portfolio to ensure swift settlement of dealing transactions. With peace of mind that client´s investments are in the safe custody financial professionals, our fee-based service provides a range of benefits that keeps the client firmly in control.



Foreign investors can engage in the
securities exchange through an
authorized participant: both
principle and realized returns are


Mozambique Central Depository
and Settlement Corporation which
is embedded into BVM
(Mozambique Securities Exchange).


Market participants include the
government, commercial banks,
brokers, dealers, large companies,
pension funds and insurance firms.
